Owner Testimonials
“Just as when we lived in Eugene, as absentee owners we can rely on Bell’s staff for professional, courteous and attentive treatment both to us and to tenants. They go the extra mile to get things done properly.”
~Genna L.
“We want you to know how much we appreciate the care you take of our property. When we dropped the card by we went by the house and I have to tell you the place has never looked better.”
~John & Lynn W.
“In my experience as a client with Bell Real Estate, Bell Real Estate has done an excellent job in all aspects of the rental management of my property. They have been excellent in their communication and negotiation and have been an honest partner. I trust them 100% with my property needs and feel they have been a great asset for preserving my long term property interests. I highly recommend Bell Real Estate to all property owners who are looking for a manager who takes their work seriously and professionally.”
~Jake D.